forever act as confirmation of the fact that - THE INVENTIONS of NATURE are always superior to THE INVENTIONS of HOMOSAPIENSON this 90th anniversary of the Battle of Passchendaele , in memory of those 666 thousand who gave their lives & suffered accordingly - and a change of Prime Minister in the UK places a different perspective on OUR long-lasting "special relationship" - I WAS inspired to post this zBlog (first posted July 12th 2007) - as a result of on-going discussions with Martha about the "difference" between INFORMATION & KNOWLEDGE - and in some way to provide the basis of an answer to a truly beautiful email which I received from
The force of TAO, Great Spirit & Godhead within US -IS the force of anger as BEING becomes aware of IT SELF. When WE as individuals TRULY UNDERSTAND the relevance of the MIND - we succumb, in humility, to allowing that force of GOD - to BE GOD within us - and the anger is THEN manifested as the "healthy anger" of understanding.
For those individuals that have, as yet, NOT TRULY UNDERSTOOD the relevance of the MIND - they continue to manifest their lives as IF the force of anger within them - were their "own force" - which OFTEN materialises as the "toxic anger" of mis-understanding.
Healthy Anger IS that which IS demonstrated peacefully in Hong Kong - on an annual basis to commemorate the horrors of the Tiananmen Square massacre - in the face of China's retoric about global democratic free trade - viz the Toxic Anger of the G6 G7 G8 "riots" "forced" on the demonstrators in response to an awareness of the continual mis-information & lies BEING fed to the peoples of the WEST in the interest of global democratic free trade.