To live LIFE there are ONLY TWO RULES

the journey begins & the journey continues
BUT to live HAPPILY one must live UNSEEN
... in quiet contemplation and awe of - the multitudinous combinations of atoms and molecules which independently and interdependently constitute our universe - and the fact that our species to date appears to be the only combination of atoms and molecules which is individually and collectively conscious of an energetic connection and interconnection with ALL that constitutes the whole.
An energetic connection and interconnection which our species has individually and collectively described as a spiritual phenomenom - a spiritual phenomenom which has been hi-jacked from the outset, by ALL things religious and subsequently political, academic & scientific; as a tool with which the minds of those that would follow can be divisively manipulated by the minds of those that would lead.
Walk gently, leaving tracks only where they can make a difference.
Where no difference can be made, walk without leaving tracks.
Pass through life unseen and invisible, yet effecting change everywhere.
What is Life? INDEED - as Carter Phipps concludes ...
"So, what is Life? To me it seems clear that we barely understand the question. But it’s also true
that fascinating things emerge as we try to give answers. Kudos to Mlodinow and Chopra for giving
us more food for thought."
“We live in one of those rare moments in human history when the deepest metaphysical questions
are being turned over and examined as we search for a new orientation that will serve us for the
next millennium. It would be hard to find a better guide into this fascinating conversation than
Carter Phipps.”
Brian Swimme, PhD
Frankly the entirety of human consciousness - at any stage throughout its evolution - has known
ALL that was needed to be known in order that ALL should be of mutual benefit to everyone.